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lundi 23 novembre 2020

Interview A Table For Two

Antoine Abou-Samra
, we enjoy conversation about gastronomy
around the world.
His professionalism, kindness and availability are without equal.
Thank you for this moment shared around a destination Costa Rica
and the essence of a cuisine.
At each of our meetings, trip, destination,
the kitchen always makes sense and always tells a story.
Recipes linked to hikes, ballads, inspired by the discovery of ingredients,
aromas or flavour.
Thank you for your interview,
Antoine Abou-Samra
Thank you Antoine for this moment shared
around a destination Costa Rica and the essence of a cuisine.
At each of our meetings, trip, destination,
the kitchen always makes sense and always tells a story.
Recipes linked to hikes, ballads, inspired by the discovery
of ingredients, aromas or flavours.
This book could not have been made without your participation.
Thanks to you
Antoine Abou-Samra
Interview A Table For Two

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